You will now learn the Custom installation procedure for Automation Anywhere v11.x Control Room.

By the end of this topic, you will know:

  • What a Custom Mode Installation of the Control Room entails
  • The step-by-step procedure for Custom Mode installation of Control Room
  • What are the different configuration options available in Custom Mode
  • Configuration of Control Room with different Authentication modes
  • The one-time configuration settings needed for Control Room
  • Steps involved in High Availability and Disaster Recovery installation
  • Configuration for High Availability and Disaster Recovery installation

What can you customise when in Custom Mode?

As the name suggests, there are a large number of customisation options available in Custom mode. Here is a list of all the Configuration options available.


What can you customise when in Custom Mode?

As the name suggests, there are a large number of customisation options available in Custom mode. Here is a list of all the Configuration options available.

You can:

  • Choose an installation folder destination for Control Room.

  • Configure Cluster using system IP for High Availability setup.

  • Use Certificate Authority (CA) or a self-signed certificate to configure the application Transport Layer Security (TLS).

  • Use Certificate Authority (CA) for secure connection with SQL, Mail and LDAP servers.

  • Configure service credentials to use Localsystem or Windows user account (or service account).

  • Read
    • Select the database server, port and mode of authentication to connect to database (either SQL or Windows Authentication database).

    • Select a pre-created database for Control Room and Bot Insight, or create a new one during installation.

    • Choose to install PostgreSQL with Control Room setup, or connect an existing/pre-install PostgreSQL instance on another machine.

    • Choose to configure Control Room authentication modes such as LDAP, SAML-2 or non-Active Directory modes.


Let’s begin with a demonstration of the Control Room Custom mode installation process.

Select the Play button to begin this Demo.


High Availability and Disaster Recovery.

The Control Room can be configured for High-Availability and Disaster Recovery. Here are what the deployment models for High Availability and Disaster Recovery look like.

Select each image thumbnail to see the deployment models in detail.

High-Availability Deployment Model
High-Availability & Disaster Recovery Deployment Model

Let’s now look at installing Control Room for High Availability and Disaster Recovery.

Select the Play button to begin this Demo.


Control Room: Post Installation Configuration

Once installation is complete. We configure the following aspects of Control Room:

  • Repository Path
  • Control Room Access URL (Local or Load Balancer-based)
  • Control Room Authentication; which could be:
    • Non-Active Directory Authentication
    • LDAP Authentication
    • SAML2 Authentication

We will now look at how the different authentication modes are configured.


This tutorial shows you how Control Room is configured for non-Active Directory authentication.

Select the Play button to begin this Demo.


This tutorial shows you how Control Room is configured for LDAP authentication.

Select the Play button to begin this Demo.


AD with Multi-forest Configuration – 11.3.1 Onwards

How to enable AD authentication with multi-forest setup?

Select the Play button to begin this Demo.


This tutorial shows you how Control Room is configured for SAML 2 authentication.

Select the Play button to begin this Demo.


Frequently Asked Questions - Licenses

Select each question to learn more.

I have just installed v11.x. Why is it still asking me to provide a license key?
Please make sure that you have never installed v11.x in the past on this machine, whose 30-day trial period expired. If you have tried to change the date in your system during the trial period, your license will have expired, and you need to provide the correct license.
Can I use my v10.x license for v11.x CR?
No, you need a separate license for v11.x and v10.x.
Can the Master Key be regenerated after 1st setup of Control Room?
No, the master key cannot be regenerated after 1st setup of Control Room. Please make sure the master key is stored in a secure location and is backed up. If it is lost, the Control Room credential vault can’t be opened.
Can License service port be changed post installation?
Yes, with certificate import via command line in Installation guide, you can update the SSL certificate in case of expiration, SAN addition, or modification. You must then restart AAE Reverse proxy service to let the certificate take effect.

Frequently Asked Questions - Servers

Select each question to learn more.

Does v11 support Cloud based setup and what are the best practices for Cloud setup?
Yes, AAE v11 support cloud platform like AWS, Azure, etc, as long as required OS, Hardware, Software and Network pre-requisite are met.
Note: for Azure based setup of v11.2, you need to use same database for Control Room and BotInsight. Select this link to learn more.
Does v11 Support DB as PaaS for SQL and Postgres database?
Yes, v11 supports DB as PaaS for SQL and Postgres, like AWS, RDS, etc.
What is the minimum server requirement for HA setup of v11 Control Room?
The server requires a minimum of 2 CR application nodes, in case of SQL as separate 2 SQL cluster node for DB, 1 Load balancer, NAS or SAN file repository for SMB file share. If Postgres is used as remote then additional Postgres server.

Frequently Asked Questions - Ports

Select each question to learn more.

Can LDAP for child domain URL be used for LDAP authentication setup with port 389 and 636?
No, v11 only supports LDAP for Global CataLog of Parent domain. The Global CataLog LDAP works over ports 3268 and 3269. E.g. if your domain is then the LDAP URL “ldap://” which would be your India level Domain would not work, you need to use parent domain LDAP URL i.e. “ldap://” (over 3268)
What is the Postgres server recommendation for remote Postgres installation to be used?
V11 does support remote Postgres for version 9.5.x only. For versions prior to v11.2 you need to use a default database named “zoomdata”, with “postgres” as the default username and “5432” as the default port. From version 11.2 onwards can customise the database name, user or port.
What are the other ports used by v11 Control Room which are not provided during installation?
Besides HTTP/HTTPS port, SQL and Postgres ports provided during installation, AAE Control Room uses 8080 or next available port for License service. Port 5672, range 47100-47200 and 47500- 47600 are used for cluster communication in HA & DR setup.
Can the cluster communication ports be changed post installation?
No, the cluster communication ports cannot be changed and are set as default, you need to keep these ports open in local as well as network firewall for seamless cluster communication.

Frequently Asked Questions - Migration

Select each question to learn more.

Can I use my v10.x BOTS with v11.x?
You cannot use your v10.x BOTS in v11.x until you migrate from v10.x to v11.x. Please refer 11.2 migration guide and if required create ticket for migration. You can also just launch v10 created bots from v11 client and it will convert to v11 compatible.
Note: There is no backward convert possible once your bot is converted to v11 compatible.
Can you install v11 on same machine where v10 is installed for migration?
Yes, you can use same machine for v11 and uninstall v10 if the OS and other v11 pre-requisites are met. However, this is not a recommended solution as during migration from v10 to v11 you require both versions to run parallelly.
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