Rex |
Refers to a reinspection, may be called for by a shipper when he thinks the official grade is too low. A rex may be called by the buyer when he thinks the grade may be too high. Ordinarily, the last official grade applies on the sale whether it is fixed after or before the sale is made. |
Risk and Reward |
The relationship between the amount a position, transaction or deal is expected to make versus the amount it could potentially lose based on a change in assumption which impacts market inputs including fundamentals, and non-fundamentals factors. |
Risk Unit |
A risk metric utilized by RMG to quantify market and credit risk within Trade and Structured Finance (TSF). Risk Units are a blend of quantitative and qualitative factors which include the credit rating of the country, the credit rating of the obligor, liquidity, tenor, and structure factors. |
River House |
Terminal elevator located on an inland waterway, barge load primary function, may be capable also of shipping by rail/truck. |
Round Lot |
A contract trading unit. Round lots of grain are 5,000 bushels. |
Round Turn |
The completion of both a purchase and an offsetting sale of futures or vice versa. |
Route |
Directions on exactly how a shipment will move from origin to destination. |