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Dear Finance Colleagues,

The interactive Global Finance Development Options aims to offer all finance employees targeted offerings to refine the expertise in a series of programs linked to the capabilities which have been prioritized by the Finance Management Team "FMT".

The FMT - supported by their HR Partners and the Academy - have completed a review of the Global Finance capabilities that will be required to support the Group Strategic Framework and financial targets and plans.

This development options brochure…

  • is tailored to our specific needs
  • focuses on the business outcome, therefore it's a very pragmatic aid to develop
  • is a modern approach which uses the “70/20/10” model, which creates strong impact from activities such as from on-the-job development options
  • is closely linked with LearningOne, our new learning experience platform
  • should trigger a personal growth discussion between you and your line manager.

Suggested next step: Start now! Review this interactive brochure and other sources to identify which development needs are most relevant for you. Build a personal development plan. Discuss this with your line manager, align with the development focus of your Finance unit, agree on next steps and implement it.

Make development a priority – take charge of your development and start applying the newly acquainted expertise.

Kind regards,
John Dacey